My Story.

I’m Samantha,

Nice to Meet You!

I’m a Ceremonialist, Birthkeeper, Sovereign Woman and Intuitive Maiden.

My calling to womb work comes from a deep knowing that as women, we hold sacred knowledge and power in our bodies. Sadly, because of the world we live in, most of us have forgotten or ignored that power. Reviving that power through the remembrance of our womb’s ancient wisdom is how we heal not only ourselves but generations to come and thus the world.

I believe menarche, pregnancy, birth and menopause are sacred rites of passage. These initiations are invitations to heal not only ourselves but ancestral wounds that our lineage may carry.

My own near death experience was the catalyst for an almost decade long search to restore my health on my terms. My frustration with the industrialized medical system has informed my personal choice to seek holistic {mind | body | spirit} healing alongside allopathic structures. On this journey, I encountered new mindsets, practices and people who have helped show me my soul’s purpose of sharing my journey with other women so that they too may reclaim their bodily sovereignty.

“Birth is my greatest teacher - all women know how to hold other women, just as all women know how to birth. The work is in the remembrance.” - The Midwitch

My holistic approach

The purpose of our time together is for us to connect, but more importantly for YOU to connect deeper with your inner Womb Wisdom. 

I believe that as the occupant of your body, you have the most intimate connection and knowing of yourself over all others. I am your guide and confidant, here to offer resources for you to find your own sense of truth. Though my guidance is based on research, education and experience; this is your journey and you alone can heal yourself. I encourage women to take what is for them, and leave the rest.

Who I work with

I work with women who are ready to take radical responsibility for their wellbeing and are seeking support that can guide their own autonomous decision making. I will meet you where you are in your understanding of your womb by showing you the countless paths to reclaiming your power. 

I work with women in every womb stage. In fact, I believe that it is never too soon to get in touch with your inner womb wisdom. When we fully understand our bodies we are able to reach our full potential in every aspect of our lives: health, work, family and intimacy.

My practice is for all women, including those who are navigating the Termination of a Pregnancy, Miscarriage and Stillbirth.

My experience

My own sovereignty drives my conscious decision to work outside of any systems or governing bodies.

I believe in honoring the lineage of my knowledge over any licensing or certifications. I have codified my skills through my apprenticeship under the Achimamas of the AMUPAKIN birth center in the Amazon Jungle of Ecuador. Serving at the feet of the wise Kichwa Mamas taught me that we attend birth the way we attend our life and therefore must actively live our practice in order to work with integrity. As a student of Whapio’s Matrona Holistic Midwifery School and The Free Birth Society’s Radical Birth Keeper School, I’ve learned the power of undisturbed physiological pregnancy and birth. My knowledge of the womb and its natural rhythms is founded in my own practice of Cycle Tracking (FAM) as well of those of the women I work with. For an exhaustive description of my education check out the FAQs!

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